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Named Student Fellowship

Student fellowship awarded in honor of your company or organization

Website Recognition

Recognition on CALMS website sponsor page.

Conference Registration

Free conference, reception, and field trip registration for one.

Demo Hour

Opportunity to participate in our Friday morning Sponsorship demonstration hour at Lake Arrowhead.

Newsletter Advertisement

Full page advertisement in CALMS annual newsletter.

Sponsor Booth and Popup Talk

Booth at conference, and opportunity to speak about your product or service at the conference.

Conference Registration

Free conference, reception, and field trip registration for one.

Demo Hour

Opportunity to participate in our Friday morning Sponsorship demonstration hour at Lake Arrowhead.

Newsletter Advertisement

Half page advertisement in CALMS annual newsletter.

Sponsor Booth and Popup Talk

Booth at conference, and opportunity to speak about your product or service at the conference.

Website Recognition

Recognition on CALMS website sponsor page.

Conference Registration

Free conference, reception, and field trip registration for one.

Website Recognition

Recognition on CALMS website sponsor page.

Sponsor Booth and Popup Talk

Booth at conference, and opportunity to speak about your product or service at the conference.

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